Windows to the Soul
They've existed for 540 million years and most of us have a pair, but aside from giving us sight, what can we tell from looking at someone's eyes? People say that the eyes are a "window to the soul" - that they can tell us much about a person just by gazing into them. Given that we cannot, for example, control the size of our pupils,...

Handshaking is perhaps the most widely recognised of greetings worldwide, in both Western and non-Western societies. While on the surface a handshake appears to be a warm, friendly gesture, this can be a superficial reading. It's important to recognise the different meanings of handshakes in different situations, and to be able to use them to your...

Effective Communication
Building rapport with the person we are talking to is something we often naturally do, however this is a skill that we can improve upon, once we become consciously aware of how to do this. If you watch two people deep in conversation, you will notice how, after a while, they begin to shift their position, breathing, voice tonality or speed, to match the...

Historical Pseudo-science: Face reading
Historical pseudo-science of face reading explained.

Face Reading: Chin
Chin reading as explained by historical pseudo-science.

Reading Eyes - Historical Pseudo-science
Face reading: eyes, as explained by historical pseudo-science.

Reading Foreheads - Historical Pseudo-Science
Forehead reading, as explained by historical pseudo-science.

Reading Mouthes - Historical Pseudo-science
Mouth reading, as explained by historical pseudo-science.

Face Reading: Nose
Nose reading, as explained by historical pseudo-science.

Face Shapes - Historical Pseudo-science
Face shape interpretation, as explained by historical pseudo-science.

Flirting and Body Language
Building rapport with the person we are talking to is something we often naturally do, however this is a skill that we can improve upon, once we become consciously aware of how to do this. If you watch two people deep in conversation, you will notice how, after a while, they begin to shift their position, breathing, voice tonality or speed, to...

Body Language of Flirting
Look upon everyone that you meet as a possible friend. Don't ever assume that people aren't going to like you, for whatever reason you've already pre-determined. They don't know you - you don't know them - you're on equal ground and they're probably as nervous as you are about instigating a conversation. Small talk can be...

Introduction to Body Language
Communication is said to be 20% verbal and 80% non-verbal. If you are saying something to a person but your body language says the opposite then you are not getting your message across. This section is designed to help you to maximize your own communication skills, whilst at the same time assist you in understanding that of others. ...

Non-Verbal Communication
There are certain clues that people exude which will help you to understand how they are feeling. These don't apply to everyone in every situation; however they should help to give a general evaluation. Arms Crossed over Chest This indicates defensiveness, as though the person is trying to protect him or herself. This...

Self Image Body Language
Introduction to our Self Image.

Aspects of Our Self Image
The two aspects of self image explored, including an exercise in self image.

Self Image Formation
How is our image of ourselves created?

Telling the Truth from Body Language
There are tell-tale signs that give away those who are not telling the truth, or holding information back. This section will help you to become more aware of whether you are being lied to, by observing certain body movements. However, human behavior is complex and we have individual mannerisms so your observations shouldn't be relied upon as...

Body Language of Animals
One evening, 10 year old Elizabeth was lying on the floor when Gremlin, the family cat stalked by. Teasingly, Elizabeth let out a low "Meeoooowwrrll" as Gremlin neared. The cat stopped dead and stared at the girl for a long moment. Then, in a classic example of animal body language, she lifted a closed paw and 'slapped'...

Understanding Kinesis
- Your Silent Language (Elizabeth McGough) The study of body language isn't new, but it wasn't until 1952 that it acquired a name. That was the year that a professor at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute published a book called Introduction to Kinesis. Ray Birdwhistell defined kinesis as the "systematic study of how human...

Body Language: Appearance
It may seem odd to discuss the clothes that you wear and your grooming in a book about body language, but those two things are a vital component of the messages that you send out. How you choose to present yourself will affect how others see you. It's a well known fact that attractive people are perceived more positively than those that seem...

Basics of Body Language
- The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Dr. Erving Goffman) Here's a little experiment for you to try. Record 15 minutes of a soap opera or other show that you don't usually watch. Now watch it with the sound muted and see how much you can follow. Chances are that you'll miss out on the fine details, but you'll be able to follow...

How to Become a Better Communicator
Samy Molcho (Body Speech) Children acquire socially appropriate body language along with speech. While much of the secret language that they once used goes underground, they learn new gestures and motions that are appropriate for the culture in which they grow up. Few children are taught to lift a brow at the end of a question to indicate curiosity -...

Controlling What Your Body Says
Lisa has always been shy and uncertain. She grew up with three older brothers who got the lion's share of attention. Whenever there was an argument or disagreement, her parents believed the older brothers over Lisa. As a consequence, she learned that her contributions to a conversation were seldom taken seriously, and even when she was telling the...

How to Make A Good First Impression
- A random fifth grade teacher Dan gets home from work at 5:20 every afternoon. This afternoon, his sixteen year old daughter Katelyn is waiting anxiously for him. She'd just found the perfect prom dress, but needed to borrow $50 from her father in order to afford it. As he pulls into the driveway, she watches from the window. Dan gets out of the...

Body Language: Further Reading
What you'll find in this book is an overview of kinesics - the study of body language. If you're interested in learning more, you'll find many books about body language at your local library or bookstore. Among the best and most helpful is a book called Body Speech, by Samy Molcho. Molcho, a practicing mime from Scandinavia, has made his living...

Body Language: Reading the Hidden Message
Over the years, kinesics experts have noticed some hidden 'tells' that can offer you a shorthand guide to what others are thinking. There are certain gestures, motions and positions that crop up often enough that they appear to be universal. Remember that no single gesture should be read in isolation, but rather placed in the context of the...

Is He/She Interested in You?
You've just met the girl of your dreams and are sitting there talking to her. Are there ways that you can tell if she returns the interest? You bet there are. Flirting and courting behavior is one of the most studied of all aspects of body language. Here are some of the most common 'interest' signals that women use when interacting with men...

Keeping People Interested: Body Language
Make eye contact frequently. Eye contact is a major part of communication. When people make eye contact with us, we tend to believe that they're sincere. If you want to convey your message convincingly, you need to keep your eyes on the face of your audience, whether it's the guy you want to get to know or a full auditorium listening to a sales...

Watching What They Say: Body Language
How is it that some people always seem to know the important stuff? You know the type I mean - it's the guy at the office who always knows when to ask for a raise, the girl who knows where to get extra tickets to tonight's show - at a discount. Why do people open up and tell Barbara Walters and Oprah Winfrey all their secrets? The...

Lying: Body Language Course
Lying makes people nervous and that nervousness conveys itself in many different ways. The better you know someone, the easier it will be to tell if they are lying to you or telling the truth. That doesn't mean that you can't often guess at how truthful even a stranger is being when you talk to them, though. Most people have some involuntary...

Body Language: Posture and Position
The way that you carry yourself is another important cue that others read without thinking. Picture Peter and Paul at a party. Peter is standing near the center of the room with other people nearby. His shoulders are back, his head is up and he is looking around the room with an interested expression on his face. By contrast, Paul is leaning against a wall...

How to Say, 'I'm Interested'
Make eye contact often, but remember that unblinking stares are disconcerting. Researchers have found that when people are engaged in an interesting conversation, their eyes remain focused on their partner's face about 80% of the time - but not exclusively on the eyes. Instead, they focus on the eyes for two to three minutes, then move down to the...

The Perfect Handshake
The handshake is a curiously Western method of greeting. We approach each other, each extending the right hand forward. If it's gauged correctly, our hands meet at the center of the distance between us, clasp momentarily and pump up and down once or twice, then release at the same time to drop back to our sides. A handshake is nothing more than a...

The Perfect Smile
What does your face look like when you think no one is looking? Most of us wear a habitual face that reflects our inner mood. If you're often tense and worried, your usual face will reflect that with frown lines on your forehead and lips that turn down at the corners. If you're generally upbeat and happy, your face will reflect that, too. The...

Before We Learn To Speak
If animals can read body language so easily and readily - why can't we recognize it when we see it? The truth is - we can and do - just not consciously. In fact, scientists believe that humans do use body language consciously, until we learn to speak. Numerous studies that filmed interactions between pre-verbal children - both with each other and with...

How You Talk Without Speaking
-The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Dr. Erving Goffman) Here's a little experiment for you to try. Record 15 minutes of a soap opera or other show that you don't usually watch. Now watch it with the sound muted and see how much you can follow. Chances are that you'll miss out on the fine details, but you'll be able to follow...

Walking With Style
When you take a self-defense class, one of the first things that you'll learn is how to walk down the street. The reason? The people around you are always judging you on what your body says about you. If you walk with your head up and move with a confident, purposeful stride, you project self-confidence and awareness of what's around you. Self...