Abdomen Dreams
Abdomen dream information - the meaning behind Abdomen dreams.
The meaning behind Abdomen Dreams
To see your abdomen in a dream, foretells that you will have
great expectations, but you must curb hardheadedness and redouble
your energies on your labor, as pleasure is approaching to your hurt.
To see your abdomen shriveled, foretells that you will be persecuted
and defied by false friends.
To see it swollen, you will have tribulations, but you will overcome them
and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
To see blood oozing from the abdomen, foretells an accident or tragedy
in your family.
The abdomen of children in an unhealthy state, portends that contagion
will pursue you.
[4] See Belly.
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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.

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