Grave Dreams
Grave dream information - the meaning behind Grave dreams.
The meaning behind Grave Dreams
To dream that you see a newly made grave, you will have to suffer
for the wrongdoings of others.
If you visit a newly made grave, dangers of a serious nature is hanging
over you. Grave is an unfortunate dream. Ill luck in business transactions
will follow, also sickness is threatened.
To dream of walking on graves, predicts an early death or
an unfortunate marriage.
If you look into an empty grave, it denotes disappointment
and loss of friends.
If you see a person in a grave with the earth covering him, except the head,
some distressing situation will take hold of that person and loss of property
is indicated to the dreamer.
To see your own grave, foretells that enemies are warily seeking to engulf
you in disaster, and if you fail to be watchful they will succeed.
To dream of digging a grave, denotes some uneasiness
over some undertaking, as enemies will seek to thwart you,
but if you finish the grave you will overcome opposition.
If the sun is shining, good will come out of seeming embarrassments.
If you return for a corpse, to bury it, and it has disappeared,
trouble will come to you from obscure quarters.
For a woman to dream that night overtakes her in a graveyard, and she
can find no place to sleep but in an open grave, foreshows she will
have much sorrow and disappointment through death or false friends.
She may lose in love, and many things seek to work her harm.
To see a graveyard barren, except on top of the graves, signifies much
sorrow and despondency for a time, but greater benefits and pleasure
await you if you properly shoulder your burden.
To see your own corpse in a grave, foreshadows hopeless
and despairing oppression.
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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.

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