Wading Dreams
Wading dream information - the meaning behind Wading dreams.
The meaning behind Wading Dreams
If you wade in clear water while dreaming, you will partake of evanescent,
but exquisite joys. If the water is muddy, you are in danger of illness,
or some sorrowful experiences.
To see children wading in clear water is a happy prognostication,
as you will be favored in your enterprises.
For a young woman to dream of wading in clear foaming water,
she will soon gain the desire nearest her heart.
[237] See Bathing.
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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.

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