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Lantern Dreams

Lantern dream information - the meaning behind Lantern dreams.

The meaning behind Lantern Dreams

To dream of seeing a lantern going before you in the darkness,
signifies unexpected affluence. If the lantern is suddenly lost
to view, then your success will take an unfavorable turn.

To carry a lantern in your dreams, denotes that your benevolence will win you
many friends. If it goes out, you fail to gain the prominence you wish.
If you stumble and break it, you will seek to aid others, and in so doing
lose your own station, or be disappointed in some undertaking.

To clean a lantern, signifies great possibilities are open to you.

To lose a lantern, means business depression, and disquiet in the home.

If you buy a lantern, it signifies fortunate deals.

For a young woman to dream that she lights her lover's lantern,
foretells for her a worthy man, and a comfortable home.
If she blows it out, by her own imprudence she will lose a chance
of getting married.

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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.

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