Vultures Dreams
Vultures dream information - the meaning behind Vultures dreams.
The meaning behind Vultures Dreams
To dream of vultures, signifies that some scheming person
is bent on injuring you, and will not succeed unless you see
the vulture wounded, or dead.
For a woman to dream of a vulture, signifies that she will be overwhelmed
with slander and gossip.
``_Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shalt not have
a vision, and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine;
and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall
be dark over them_.''--Mich. iii., 6.
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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.