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This test is used as a pre and post intervention measure to check for its effects on cognition using inhibition as a paradigm, Everything open source Always
GitHub Release:
What my Project does: This is the first release of our Go-No Go Inhibition Paradigm, which includes two programs. The first program, GoNoGo.exe, is a pygame window that allows you to choose the number of trials you want and measures total hits, no-go hits, and average hit rates. After the desired number of tests is run, results are saved as Excel files (.xlsx) in the directory from which the program was executed. The second program, StatsMachineV2.exe, performs two functions: consolidates all the Excel files and runs an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test, displaying the results in another Excel file called Consolidated results.
Target Audience: The goal of this program is to simplify and streamline this type of cognition experiment, running efficient data collection and analysis methods to yield accurate and presentable data. Providing a simple open source program for testing and data collection for researchers and intervention efficacy testers.
Comparison: I couldn't find any open source software for this test hence why I created it. It is based off of studies that have used this inhibition paradigm for testing interventions.
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