Freudian Personality Type Test
What's your personality type? Find out with this test.

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud theorised that our personality development is based on childhood events and labelled personality types such as anal retentive and oral. Find out your personality type by answering these questions:
Find out if you are fixated at one of Freud's stages - take the test... (Complete report available on subscription)
Select the most appropriate answer for each of the following stages. Be honest in your answers, as this will improve the accuracy of the report (requires registration).

Which Archetype Are You?

Are You Angry?

Windows to the Soul

Are You Stressed?
Which Archetype Are You?

Are You Angry?

Are You Stressed?

Memory Like A Goldfish?

Are You Fixated?

Interpret Your Dreams

How to Read Body Language

How to Beat Stress and Succeed in Exams